Prices in Egypt - How to budget in Egypt
Prices in Egypt

Prices in Egypt are quite cheap, especially compared with prices in Europe. Discover what the main products cost and organise your budget for your trip.

Just like in other similar destinations, the price that many a tourist pays is not the same as the 'local price' (although for them too, they're often elevated). Haggling is expected and is commonplace.

Here are some examples for common products:

Food and Drink

  • Bottle of water: 3.60 LE (US$ 0.07)
  • Soft drink: 5.30 LE (US$ 0.10)
  • Coffee: 20 LE (US$ 0.39)
  • Bottle of milk: 14 LE (US$ 0.27)
  • Lunch in a local restaurant: 60 LE (US$ 1.18)


  • 4 hour horse and cart ride around Luxor: 100 LE (US$ 1.97)
  • Taxi journey in Cairo: between 10 LE (US$ 0.19) and 20 LE (US$ 0.39)

Museums and Monuments


A night in a hotel in central Cairo: from 40 LE (US$ 0.78)